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To start you will want to set your default summoner and region.

Set Summoner Name

Syntax: !setsummoner (Name),(Region)

BangingHeads: !setsummoner TSM Johnsun,NA

Nightbot: Successfully set summoner name to TSMJohnsun (NA)

With this set your default commands like !rank don't need extra parameters to get your rank.

Set Default Region

Syntax: !setregion (Region)

Supported regions: NA,EUW,EUNE,JP,KR,LAN,LAS,OCE,TR,RU

BangingHeads: !setregion NA

Nightbot: Successfully set region to NA

Commands. Note StreamElements and StreamLabs have an extra command with of in it. This will be noted as (of) as you will have to use it if you want to be able to use other summoner names in the command.

Current Rank

Command !rank(of)

Syntax: !rank(of) (Summoner),(region)

BangingHeads: !rank

Nightbot: TSM Johnsun is CHALLENGER I 1112 LP

BangingHeads: !rank Vyra,NA

Nightbot: Vyra is SILVER I 36 LP

Rank with Winrate

A little more detailed rank command

Command !winrate(of)

Syntax: !winrate(of) (Summoner),(region)

BangingHeads: !winrate

Nightbot: TSM Johnsun is CHALLENGER I 1112 LP | 230W 131L 64% WR

BangingHeads: !winrate Vyra,NA

Nightbot: Vyra is SILVER I 36 LP | 44W 47L 48% WR

Average MMR of Current game

Command: !mmr(of)

Syntax !mmr(of) (Summoner),(Region)

BangingHeads: !mmr Super Big Ego

Nightbot: Average MMR is DIAMOND IV

Ranks of Current game

Command: !matchup(of)

Syntax !matchup(of) (Summoner),(Region)

BangingHeads: !matchup Super Big Ego

Nightbot: Hecarim - D4 | Kayle - D3 | Twitch - D4 | Nami - D4 | Ekko - D3 |
Viktor - D4 | Kha'Zix - D3 | Akali - D3 | Kai'Sa - D4 | Lulu - D4 |


Command: !opgg(of)

Syntax: !opgg(of) (summoner),(region)

BangingHeads: !opgg

tutorial/syntax.1556144445.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/24 17:20 by bangingheads